
Massage & Holistic Therapies

Beauty & Skin Treatments

Spa Packages

Pregnancy Treatments

Proud stockists of Dermalogica.

Dermalogica is the number one choice of skin care professionals worldwide. Founded by a skin therapist, they know how to create custom skin care solutions that work – not just today, but for life. Dermalogica offer professional-grade skin care education, products, and services to skin therapists and customers alike. They create highly customised regimens and services for every individual, because they know that no two skin conditions are the same. Whatever your lifestyle, background or environment, rest assured that Dermalogica will work for you.

“Quiet the mind and the soul will speak.”


Meet our Team

Kim Reeves,

Spa Director

After studying Beauty therapy at the age of 16, my interest in the mind, body, spirit connection grew and directed me into holistic therapies and the spa industry.